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  • Sydney Dexter

Everyone, Meet Oopsie Daisy.

brown and whit longhorn
Oopsie Daisy, the Longhorn cow, watching a dog in the pasture.

Everyone, meet Oopsie Daisy. She is spending the winter at the Dexter Ranch with the cows. Although she is just a temporary addition to the herd she is ruling the roost. And, if you couldn't tell, she is a model.

A couple of Sundays ago I decided to take a photography walk with my new camera. I bundled up and took off walking with my dog, Jett; I went a short distance to the barn and played around taking a few shots of the horses around the bale ring trying to get the camera settings right.

On a whim I headed out to the Popeye, the pasture where the second calf heifers are, to try and get a few cattle photos. I follow Jett down the old cow trails where she was sniffing out rabbits and coyotes tracks. The cows caught sight of me and they started to run off, Oopsie Daisy hanging toward the back of the herd. I didn't really want to chase them around so I hollered out at the pet, "Oopsie! Stop!"

Sure enough, Oopsie the Herd Boss stopped, turned around and looked at me. I said her name again and she loped to me. When I say lope, I mean like a horse. She doesn't run like a normal cow. Oopsie Daisy comes right up to and tries to sniff my hand, thinking I have some cow cake for her. She was a little disgruntled when she realized I came empty handed and she swung her horns around throwing a little fit. She strutted away while I shot a few photos of her.

Black longhorn cow and a brown and white longhorn.
Oopsie and her longhorn friend Marfa posing in the tall switch grass.

I grabbed a few shots of the other cows in the herd and they gathered back around me, curious as to what I was doing out there not in the feed pickup or horseback. I was getting a little chilly on the 15 degree day and headed back to the house planning on cutting across through the big old Sandhills. The cows decided to follow me, probably more interested in Jett than me. I walked through the gate next to the windmill and stopped. The cows kept following and came right up to the tank. I snapped a few more photos while they gathered around and watered then hiked the rest of the way home.

Once I uploaded the photographs to my computer I got excited about all of the shots of Oopsie as she showed off her gorgeous horns and you could just see funny personality come through.

Brown and white longhorn at the edge of a tank
Oopsie drinking out of the tank at the windmill.

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